
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Melissa Shelby

Here is my posting of our daughter Melissa. She is 14 years old and stands 5' 10" tall. I'm going to have to put a brick on her head if she expects to find any pants to fit her next school year. She attends Victory Christian Academy where she is on the basketball team, drama team, studying to be a student leader (there are actual lessons and bible tests you have to take before you can become a leader.) and very active in the church's youth group. With basketball practice, games and 2 youth meetings a week she spends the majority of her time at school. She also loves softball and has played since she was in the fourth grade. She is named for my first sister-in-law who passed away at a very early age from a disease called saccharidosis. She was the most giving, caring person you could ever meet. Although I was young when she married my brother she always made me feel like one of the "grown ups," writing me letters (which I still have) and sending me little gifts (which I still have too!) If my daughter can grow up to have half the personality, talent and values she had I would be very happy.
Melissa can be very mischievious too...the other night she Saran wrapped the toilet before my husband came home from work, he's usually blind as a bat, but noticed the glare from the Saran wrap, so that attempt of practical joking was foiled. Never to be outdone, she just took the roll outside and wrapped his car. You could see the glare the minute you walked out the door. Darn, another attempt failed, so she put shaving cream under his door handles. Finally, success!
She is also a big Green Bay Packers fan. (Hmm, think my husband brain washed her into that.) For Father's Day last year she put on every article of Green Bay Packers clothing she owns, down to her "Packers Girl" hat and had her pictures made for my husband's Father's Day gift. We framed them in yellow frames with green mattes and they hang in his office at work. She has hit the "boys aren't so yucky after all" time in her life, so I feel a few more grey hairs sprouting out. Regardless, she brings much joy to our lives and we are very blessed to have her as our only daughter. (Although she can be worse than all the boys put together when it comes to that mischieviousness sometimes!)
Melissa Shelby I LOVE YOU!!! Mama
Within the next few days I will post a picture of our youngest son, Brett. (Yes, he's named after that good 'ol Green Bay Packers Quarterback, Brett Favre!)


Blogger RHoward454 said...

Good photo. You're getting to be a pretty darned good photographer.

8:06 PM  
Blogger SisToPencilMeIn&SimpleMusings said...

Thanks! It was REALLY hot that day, thought I'd take her to the Botanical Gardens and get some good pictures of her, ended up staying about 30 minutes because we were all sweating half to death. Maybe I'll try again in the Spring.
Love you!

8:33 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

That is a good photo. I think we picked the worst day to go,too.I was melting before we got in the gate.

9:32 AM  

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