
Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been busy at work, we FedEx twice weekly to our corporate office in Maryville, TN. Well, last Tuesday's overnight was lost by FedEx. It's somewhere in Memphis, TN with our expense report (so we can get our money back!), all of our contractors bills (so they can get paid!), and some customer's payments in it! What fun trying to track all of that down, make more copies, send faxes, calling customer's who already were on the 'hotlist' because their payments were late, only to be lost now! What's so funny is that one lady cussed us up one side and down the other, then proceeded to tell us her Pastor would have to call us to confirm the number of the lost check because her church had paid this month's payment for her! Go Figure!
So, now it's the night before Christmas Eve and I've spent all day cleaning house after spending the last two days out with strep throat. All the presents are bought and wrapped, nothing to do but wait for Christmas morning now.
Anyway, tonight I was playing around with my camera and took this picture of my daughter Melissa and her boyfriend Chase, then played around with it for a while on Dell Picture Studio. Oh well, here's the end result.
Merry Christmas to All!!!


Blogger Janet said...

Hope everything worked out with the Fed Ex!

9:48 PM  

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